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help - Conservative Christians are after SpongeBob

Started by gkg, January 20, 2005, 05:24:45 pm

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image = <i>"Blue Velvet"</i> (front of 2-sided piece) (c) georgia k griffin - all rights reserved


If you watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? and look at the KKK sequence and the leader talks about how evolutionists were stupid, you\'ll understand that the Christians are very, very stubborn.


not all of \'em, just the ultra conservatives, i think - but yeah - that is a prime example of it portrayed pretty well.

image = <i>"Blue Velvet"</i> (front of 2-sided piece) (c) georgia k griffin - all rights reserved

waiting for p/w

From what I\'ve seen there\'s \'spiritual Christianity" and "religious Christianity" - sometimes the two are intimate, and sometimes they are sitting at opposite ends of the couch.  Religious Christianity can get crazy stubborn, fearful,  and lose sight of God\'s love, his message....RC feels the need for \'crowd control\' through doctrine, rules, judgements .etc   Unfortunately SC is then painted with the same brush, though it doesn\'t agree with what RC is saying or doing.  :-/


agreed - it\'s the political aspect of religion that is so dangerous and it\'s breaking down segments of our country\'s democratic fiber...

image = <i>"Blue Velvet"</i> (front of 2-sided piece) (c) georgia k griffin - all rights reserved


agree -   I don\'t understand how people that say they really follow scripture justify mixing politics in there though?  it\'s weird.... wasn\'t that why Jesus caused such a cuffluffle, cause he wasn\'t the political leader they were wanting/expecting??  I dont\' get it.  
happy trails,