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The Infinite Hex - Revamped Site

Started by hexitt, October 15, 2005, 10:07:18 pm

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Hey All,

I\'ve finally finished re-designing my site. The new home page URL is

Now that all this has been done, I can get back to actually writing new stuff. Please feel free to provide any feedback.

The Infinite Hex


nice, i like the web design..  very talented, sir. your gear also does wail hard!

well done


thanks Chris, I\'ve gotta check out your site again (it\'s been a while), but I like the stuff you do too, peace.


nice work on the site... digging into a few of your tunes right now...


image = <i>"Blue Velvet"</i> (front of 2-sided piece) (c) georgia k griffin - all rights reserved


Some slammin riffage there Brian. You need to find that connection again and mix it with a crew. I hate to see talent not used to its potential....

How do you like your Spider? Does that play well with you RP or are they mutually exclusive items? Spider doesn\'t have a Phaser or shifter does it?


thanks gkg, I appreciate your comments (did ya notice I still have your site listed on my links page cuz I really admire your work).

dirtface, thanks for the kind words and I do hope to find some others to hook up with - yet I enjoy doing the solo thing for now too. I love my Spider\'s tones and effects, but the volume is a little lacking (only 50 watts which is good for practicing solo yet weak when a kit is rocking at the same time). The RP is really cool, nice programs, but I usually run that direct since it has a pre-amp. You have to match input powers and stuff when combining the RP with the Spider so that\'s usually more involved and stuff than I\'m willing to deal with. So typically when I record, I usually use either one or the other and feed them direct to my audio interface. I dug out my old PA (old Kasino Concert head) and run one or the other through that now for high volume performance and jamming with others. I\'ve got to scrounge up some funds though and just get a half stack for guitar and a full rig for bass and just use the PA for drums and vocals. It\'s becoming more and more of a pain to use practice/small amps for serious volume jamming and stuff. But these smaller amps do the job for digital recording when I feed them direct into my PowerBook. So.....we work with what we have ya know...

thanks guys, peace.


yes *toe in sand* thank you for that!

i\'m in the middle of a massive revamp of my own site, part of which is updating my links and naturally you will be in there.


image = <i>"Blue Velvet"</i> (front of 2-sided piece) (c) georgia k griffin - all rights reserved



It sounds good but you need to find a good drummer, the drum machine gives your tracks a cold zombie feel, it\'s too mechanical, I\'ve got the same problem with my recordings. Other than that everythin\'s OK  8)


Right on Aquabot, definitely agreed

I\'m actually in the process of relearning the drums myself. And I am looking around to collaborate with others.

Thanks for the feedback. I truly appreciate it (and welcome any more from anyone).
