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Messages - Riffwraith

Quote from: Tempbucketdog on April 02, 2012, 12:30:47 pm

I think the only solution would be for Travis to tell us exactly how many copies he would need to sell to cover the initial investment of repressing the discs. Then have a pre-order of that amount so Tdrs and bucket don't go into the "red" on this endeavor. So if we at least cover the initial cost, the rest will be gravy for them. Even if it takes a year or 2 to sell the rest it would still be worth it. I don't think there is enough posts here to make that happen...yet.

If all of you are really serious about this, perhaps Travis could shoot us a number of pre-orders he would like to get to before pressing. And a signed and numbered batch of repressings would make it a bit more desirable for bots that already have that wedge. Money talks and empty promises walks.

This is basically the deal with the Kickstarter option. Lots of people 'pledge' however much they want towards a project within a certain time frame, and hopefully make enough to hit the target. If not, no money is taken and it's like it never happened and nothing is lost, but if we get to the right sum they would keep the lot and everyone involved gets a cd (or whatever else offered  ;) )

If I may use an example someone said in another forum, Ginger Wildheart has an album called 555% because that's how much he raised by the end. These seem to be fairly successful, need to go and find some stats somewhere...
Finally signing up to TDRS just to say this, I am most sincerely down for 2 copies.

A point I'd like to raise is the last copy of this on ebay was $214. This must mean there are at least a few people willing to pay the same amount 10 copies would cost originally, so I'm hoping even if there aren't 100 people or however many, if it averaged out about 2 a person that sounds closer to how many the 'core' fan base might include. They do make great gifts, don't ya know!