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Messages - D.O.D

 The first word was my mantra for several years  D
gkg Ah, It still hurts.  DOD
  Andy- A very thoughtful gesture  and much appreciated from our family  BD
How poetic!
 gkg -- Deep bow!  . You have brought these links back to life again. Silly putty was threatening to return.  DOD
Buswolley=  You hit on all sides of the issue and very well, indeed. How could I be so stupid  as to get myself  back into this ancient discussion. I spent 20 years looking for answers and was relieved to get out. Pro tenure ? Mostly yes. The alternative  is usually ugly... adjunct, temps, etc.  The only worthy MFA  Grads are me and thee!  The MFA programs that I am familiar with are pretty lame, and the Final  product ( student) is mediocre . Usually there was seldom enough talent to sustain a program.  Fishing lilence? Yes.  DOD
Sarah- You are absolutely right in reference to the discussion of degrees., even if I am your father. The topic should really be " tenure track ".  At my old stomping grounds, Central Michigan University, in particular, the art department, only adjunct positions are offered... amost never a tenure track. M.F.A. candidates come by the gross, begging. In fact the MFA degree is bing discontinued all over the country. It deserves the same merit as  a fishing licence.  DOD
 gkg- A very kindly commentary on the cartoon book.  Dod
   I think Travis will drop a subtle hint.. like  "Lets knock this shit off. " ..or words to that effect. when and if the time comes.   So far it all makes for good reading.  DOD
  gkg- Do not debate a stone.   B
Bakeka-  Sorry that this space must be occupied with such dour subject matter... let\'s hope to get on to music again soon.  I was drafted into the army one month after my 18th birthday, right after  high school graduation... of course, there was massive support for the war effort, we amost looked forward to it. I was certain that I would be fighting along side of  John Wayne and be home for supper. I came home to stay 3 years later, My combat experience was horrifying but very brief. I was shot thru the shoulder and spent the next year in an army hospital.    I can recall the young 17 year old volunteers for the Marines; thousands of them died in the Pacific... often just six months after H.S. graduation. Bad times !  DOD
In 1946 I dreamed that I was never discharged from the Army, I just sat in the barracks year after year.  DOD
Do everything in your power to prevent the reinstatement of the draft ,.  DOD
Political and Social Discussions / Voices of Courage
April 30, 2005, 04:12:35 pm
Very slowly the voices of courage are being heard in the land. To name just a few... Michael Moore, Howard Zinn, David Griffin. Are there  more?  DOD