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Pics from Asbury Park Show

Started by Megasaurus, October 11, 2008, 03:36:41 pm

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I\'ve got eleven of my most un-blurry pictures from the show on Oct. 8th up on my flickr page. They\'re kind of big, so I\'m not even going to try posting them here. But they are okay pictures!


Awesome pics. LOvin the green light picture.
Can\'t wait till November 1!!!


Be true to yourself you can't go wrong.
Mr Bocbacoc
ISOT-206 BP-17 DCK-228


Thanks!! I\'m so glad people seem to like them.


Nice pics!
I was there with my 2 son\'s ages 11 and 12.
Left side of stage.
I got my petite 11 yr. old up to the stage so he could see something.Thanks to the nice young girl for letting him stand next to you at the stage. I met some wonderfully nice people. We had a great time!
That 1 Guy was a Sonic Blast! A great show.


Really good pics. I saw people getting their cameras taken away so i guess be glad you got to get 11.



I\'ve got eleven of my most un-blurry pictures from the show on Oct. 8th up on my flickr page. They\'re kind of big, so I\'m not even going to try posting them here. But they are okay pictures!

Thanks. The green one works really well. I couldn\'t help but notice that Bucket is sporting the white bucket again.