May 15, 2024, 07:43:49 pm

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Messages - Neil Dalby

QuoteThanks for the suggestion.  I\'ll give it a try.  BTW what software did you use to splice the two tracks together?  

Adobe Soundbooth CS4 but you should be able to do similar with Audacity (which is open source)...
QuoteCool!  Thanks for the tip!  What track is it supposed to be?

It is track 10, Up The Mountain. It is pretty easy to merge the two tracks together to get a film version of Hearts on Fire, already done mine!
Hi Vince, I think steb74 pretty much covered most fans thoughts regarding this score and its release. A true soundtrack grail from my childhood...

Certainly surprised it has been finally released seeming other labels failed and in such superb quality, which is nothing new for Intrada, they are one of the best in the game!

Congrats and thanks for the music!

P.S Would it be possible to send the booklet to yourself for autographing?
Yep brilliant release, ordered 2 minutes after release. Everyone should check out those samples, wow!!
Hi all, new member but long time lurker. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is likely to be any release of Vince Dicola\'s score and song contribution from Rocky IV? I emailed Perseverance Records a while ago about the possibilty of a score release and they said that they had a license request in but nothing had come of it yet. I was wondering if anyone else knows of any other labels that might be thinking of releasing the score or if a composer promo score exists.

Any information would be appreciated.