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Started by nuff_said, April 26, 2009, 03:48:03 pm

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hey yawl. not to creep you out or anything but i have a family member that works for the GAO in DC and she called to make sure i\'ve got all of my emergency supplies up to date... water, instant foods like ramen noodles, oatmeal, nuts (watch out for peanuts though), masks, first aid stuff, batteries, flashlights, etc. because they are watching this swine flu very carefully. so, just wanted to pass that on. keep an eye on the news and be extra super careful when it comes to germ spreadin, kay? i see it\'s in NY and other states now, not just Mexico & the south west.


the masks are very important so grab some up if you don\'t keep some around. that little bit of prevention can keep you safe if it gets bad out there and you have no choice but to go out for something.

stay healthy! :)

Truth:  it's OK if they don't understand.  if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.



No cases reported in Hawaii. My better half is a nurse at the hospitol and she has already been briefed how to react if it gets over here. This is good to know because the state hospitols are in a huge budget deficit and laying people off and cutting corners wherever they can, I\'m glad they are taking this seriously. Hopefully the CDC gets controll of this right way, me and the fam are flying to California next month and the germs on planes and in airports totally freaks me out.


Due to the recent cases of swine flu found in Orlando, the CDC has been exploring options regarding building up the population\'s resistance to the virus.

The Lick-A-Pig program, however, is NOT one of them.


^^^ Haha I got that in an email today.

I do think this is something everyone should be aware of and prepared for, but... maybe it\'s been taken a little over the edge? :-/  I heard on the news that there was a student that had been forbidden to attend his graduation because he just got back from Mexico! :o